WEP Petchem Plants Raise Output
The director of control at National Petrochemical Company (NPC) has said that petrochemical plants located along the West Ethylene Pipeline (WEP) have raised their output.
Ali-Mohammad Bosaqzadeh said that the increase in output was due to a 20-30% more injection of ethylene into the pipeline.
"In addition to the increase in polymer production with various grades, petrochemical units on the route of this pipeline have increased their output from a year ago," he said.
"For instance, Lorestan Petrochemical Plant has for the first time produced at more than 117% of its rated capacity, which is due to feedstock and catalyst supply, changes in the production process and installation of parallel reactors," said Bosaqzadeh.
He added that Mahabad Petrochemical Plant was also running at 105% of its nominal capacity.
Under normal conditions, he said, a petrochemical unit could produce at up to 110% of its rated capacity. He added that production at more than 125% of rated capacity required changes in equipment and upgrading devices.
Bosaqzadeh said that the petrochemical plants along the WEP route were willing to maximize output through sufficient investment.
He said empty petrochemical depots constituted a success for Iran, adding: "This issue shows broadened domestic and foreign marketing. These units have managed to sell out their products."
WEP Petchem Plants Raise Output
The director of control at National Petrochemical Company (NPC) has said that petrochemical plants located along the West Ethylene Pipeline (WEP) have raised their output.
Ali-Mohammad Bosaqzadeh said that the increase in output was due to a 20-30% more injection of ethylene into the pipeline.
"In addition to the increase in polymer production with various grades, petrochemical units on the route of this pipeline have increased their output from a year ago," he said.
"For instance, Lorestan Petrochemical Plant has for the first time produced at more than 117% of its rated capacity, which is due to feedstock and catalyst supply, changes in the production process and installation of parallel reactors," said Bosaqzadeh.
He added that Mahabad Petrochemical Plant was also running at 105% of its nominal capacity.
Under normal conditions, he said, a petrochemical unit could produce at up to 110% of its rated capacity. He added that production at more than 125% of rated capacity required changes in equipment and upgrading devices.
Bosaqzadeh said that the petrochemical plants along the WEP route were willing to maximize output through sufficient investment.
He said empty petrochemical depots constituted a success for Iran, adding: "This issue shows broadened domestic and foreign marketing. These units have managed to sell out their products."
Assaluyeh Supplies 70% of Iran Gas
The deputy managing director of Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) for operations and logistics has said the company is ready to supply 570 mcm/d of gas in the second half of the current calendar year to March 2018.
"The South Pars installations are thoroughly ready for the arrival of winter," Yahya Rashidi said.
He touched on the start of production from Phases 2 and 3, adding: "So far 27 gas platforms have become operational in this giant field."
"Currently, around 555 mcm/d of gas is being recovered from the jointly owned South Pars reservoir. As soon as restrictions on gas supply from the South Pars refineries have been removed, this figure can increase to 570 mcm/d," he said.
Rashidi recalled that 70% of Iran's gas is being supplied by South Pars. He added that South Pars gas output would plateau by March 2020.
He said that every year POGC presents an overhaul plan for pipelines and offshore platforms to the Directorate of Supervision on Production. He added that HSE tests, repairs and technical inspections are done regularly.
Rashidi said gas supply commitments for winter would be met in full following overhaul of gas platforms of South Pars in the first half of the year.
He said that POGC had signed an agreement with a domestic company which is a Malaysian partner for remotely operated vehicle (ROV) pipeline inspection. That came following a rupture in the pipeline of Phases 16 and 19.
He said the project would become operational next March, adding that all pipelines and offshore installations in South pars would be inspected.
Russian Firms Submit Study Results
Russian companies Tatneft and Zarubezhneft have submitted the findings their studies about the development of Shadegan oil field to the National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC).
NISOC signed a memorandum of understanding with Tatneft last March and a memorandum with Zarubezhneft last July to study Shadegan. Both Russian companies submitted their findings in December.
Furthermore, Pasargad Energy Development Company presented the results of its study on Shadegan to NISOC, while Oil Industries Engineering and Construction Company (OIEC) submitted its study on Sepehr to the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC).
A single master development plan (MDP) will be made of the studies conducted by different companies to be combined with an MDP earlier drawn up by NISOC to serve as the basis of development of Shadegan.