Halegan Gas Field Up for Investment

Halegan is among Iran's ten gas fields whose investment plan was presented to a Tehran international conference a couple of years ago.

Halegan is located in Fars Province in southern Iran. It is 73 kilometers north of Assaluyeh and 25 kilometers south of Sefid Baghoun gas field. It neighbors Sefid Zakhour and Dey gas fields from north.

In a bid to gain a 15% share in global gas trading, Iran is implementing gas efficiency plans in the housing, commercial and industrial sectors and firmly seeking to increase its gas production capacity. To that effect, onshore fields are in the limelight for domestic and foreign investment due to easy access and low investment needed for their development.

National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) intends to establish a gas hub in the south of Fars Province. NIOC's gas production and refining plan involves development of Sefid Zakhour, Sefid Baghoun, Halegan and several other gas fields.

Halegan was discovered in 2005 when a 2D seismic test project was carried out on 1,000 square kilometers of land a year earlier in Fars Province. The seismic test ended in the discovery of Halegan and several other gas fields.

Halegan measures 50 kilometers long and 11 kilometers wide. It holds 12.4 tcf of gas (355 bcm) of gas reserves in place, 8.938 tcf of which is recoverable thanks to a 70% recovery rate. Such high recovery rate is rare for gas fields in Iran.

Furthermore, Halegan is estimated to hold 249 million barrels of gas condensate in place, 98 million barrels of which is recoverable.

Halegan's gas and condensate deposits are estimated to be valued at $83 billion, while discovery of this gas field had cost only $36 million over 2.5 years. Development of Halegan would allow a sustainable output of 50 mcm/d of gas over a 20-year period.

The director of Exploration Directorate at NIOC has said that exploration drilling operations were very tough and slow due to stiff land composed of high-pressure layers. A 4,999-meter deep well was drilled in order to yield better results. Later on, several reservoir layers including Kangan, Upper Dalan, Nar and Lower Dalan, were appraised. In the end, the field was estimated to hold 12,400 bcf of gas. The significant point with the discovery of this gas field is that all geophysical, reservoir and petroleum engineering studies, as well as reservoir layer tests were handled by the Directorate of Exploration of NIOC.

Fars Province is a gas hub in the Middle East region. Some exploration studies in this province have proven the existence of huge gas reserves. Halegan is the latest gas reservoir whose existence was proven there. Compared with gas fields located nearby, Halegan has bigger dimensions.

Iran's efforts to return to its genuine standing among gas exporting countries herald a tough road ahead in coming years.

An analyst with energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie has highlighted $100 billion opportunities for investment in Iran's oil and gas industry, saying Iran needs big foreign investment.

He has highlighted the vastness of Iran's oil and gas facilities across the country, saying they require development activities on a large scale.

The analyst said in addition to exploration activities needed to expand facilities by attracting fresh investment; existing oil facilities are in desperate need of renovation due to the maturity of oil wells.

"With opportunities introduced by Iran for investment we have to see which companies and governments would take the initiative. These opportunities would benefit both sides," he said.