sanctions against Iran.
Have there been any new agreements with
There are always new agreements.Are the agreements in relation with oil
exports or anything?
On exports, as I mentioned, I won’t provide anymore information.
So, there are new agreements or they arein the process of being made, or they’ve beensigned?Now, the trend is good. We’ve moved forward.In the time that there’s been thisagreement, has share of any OPEC MCs gone tonon-OPEC countries?
Look, OPEC won’t give any share of anything toanyone. The Persian Gulf countries won’t leavea single barrel of their market share to anyone,
unless they cannot produce. Even what theycannot produce, that they won’t give that up either.Practically they don’t have it in hand, maybe they’ll
tell the other side, we [give it] to you, but theyhaven’t been able to use it themselves. If there’sfood that they can’t eat, maybe they’ll donate it
somewhere. But they won’t even let one barrel go.If you accept that Iran’s oil productionwill drop or its exports will drop, will we havenegotiations with OPEC MCs beforehand likewhat we did in 2013 and 2014 for the return of
Iran’s barrels to the market?No, I’ve already written to them that, firstly rather
than exports only production is part of the OPEC’scriteria. And in my previous communications Ihave mentioned, if anything happens to my exports
or production level, after the problem is resolved,regardless of any decision, without the need for anyapproval at all, I will resume my original production
trend. Without the need for obtaining any approval Iwill return to my prior production level. I’ve told thisto OPEC MCs and I’ve said it repeatedly.
How do today’s sanctions and situationdiffer from the situation in 2011?
Well, that one was UN Security Council sanctionsthen. This is just the bullying of the US, at that time itwas multilateral, international sanctions. Right now,
no country apart from Zionist Regime and two othercountries in the region — two of our Arab brothers— no one else is with the US.But they are cooperating ...
No, it is not Cooperation... if someone is bullyingand holding a sword, it is a different story ... butthese sanctions are not legal and it’s not like
everyone is afraid of the UN and contravening somelaws.
Right now, from one perspective it’s harder andfrom another perspective it’s simpler. It’s harderfrom this point of view that the US has all theexperience of the previous round, and it’s alreadyworked out some of our methods/workarounds
and therefore we have to use more complicated,new methods and the US is a lot more persistent,especially given the US have made up its mind tocut out production to a great extent in Novembereven if in a symbolic way. In my opinion this is verysymbolic for them.And we are doing our best, making all efforts, but
I don’t want to say how much and to what extentwe’ve been successful, because he (the US/Trump)will find out. That [previous] round was UN-related;
UN sanctions are very heavy in terms of the law,meaning that anyone who violated the sanctions wassubject to all the international laws and regulations.
Now this is just America that is throwing its weightaround, it’s holding up a sword and calling forchallenge over everyone. And now, we’ll do our best
and God Willing, God will help us if we are honest.Rick Perry, Al-Falih and Novak met recently,do you think this was just promotional/propaganda or how much was it about affectingproduction?No, I think this is all mostly propaganda. TheAmericans routinely go to different places, following,threatening, they go here and there and doingwhatever is that they do and we know about whatthey do. Any company that contacts us, they contactthem half an hour later, they talk to them, and theyroutinely monitor and eavesdrop and follow andkeep an eye on our managers. They are clearlyfollowing everything.What’s your analysis of the current marketconditions and in the months ahead, consideringwinter is ahead, what does the market need?Some more barrels?You need to understand from price change trends.Do you think that if production reallydrops heavily, how much will the priceof oil go up; let’s say in the worst casescenario?