National Iranian Oil Company

Exploration Directorate

Notice of Request for Qualification

International Tender No 97126
“Integrated Processing of  6,000 sq. km of Abadan Plain 3D Seismic Data

Applying Anisotropic PSTM (APSTM) and Anisotropic PSDM (APSDM)”

National Iranian Oil Company Exploration Directorate (NIOCEXP) intends to put out to two-phase international tender the foregoing project whose details are outlined hereunder. Qualified companies are invited to bid.

The tender bid is estimated at €4.92 million.

A: Required Services: “Integrated Processing of 6,000 sq. km of Abadan Plain 3D Seismic Data Applying Anisotropic PSTM (APSTM) and Anisotropic PSDM (APSDM)”                 

B: Term of Contract: 15 months

C: Place of Contract Services: Data Processing Center of Contractor Company

D: Bidder Requirements:           

1-Being legal person

2-Having tender-related equipment and facilities as well as as experienced manpower

3-Being sufficiently experienced in the subject of tender

4- Affordability of posting €129,264 security deposit as performance bond in accordance with regulations set out by Client, provided in the tender documents

5- Given that the project-related payments are planned to go through a deferred-payment scheme with a lag time of 2 years from the Client's approval on the corresponding invoice, the tenderers shall furnish adequate documents proving their affordability to engage in such arrangements.

6- NIOC Security clearance

Candidates shall submit the official translation of their last audited financial statement (2017) and introduce a duly authorized representative in writing to receive qualification documents no later than the working hours on January 9, 2019 to 1st Floor, NIOCEXP building, Khoddami St, Seoul Ave, Tehran. Iran. Telephone: +98 21 82703227 – Fax: +98 21 88604584. The requested information shall be provided by the candidates to the above-mentioned address no later than the working hours on January 23, 2019 in a CD and hard copy. The documents submitted afterwards shall be considered as void. The tender documents will be distributed among qualified bidders at the discretion of NIOCEXP.

The place, the date and the deadline for receiving tender documents and opening of financial proposals will be announced subsequently. The approximate date for opening financial proposals is April 9, 2019.

NIOCEXP Public Relations